Moises Montalvo (He/Him)

Moises Montalvo is a U.S. Army veteran, former human intelligence collector, and Arabic linguist who graduated from the prestigious Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center at the Presidio of Monterey, CA. After serving in the military, Moises has continued to make a difference by organizing with Common Defense and advocating for a wide range of issues, including racial justice, protecting our democracy, the environment, and poverty. He was also part of the first Climate Change cohort of the Veterans Organizing Institute and recently completed their first-ever train-the-trainer program. Moises has now joined the facilitation team at the Veterans Organizing Institute, helping to train and inspire the next generation of veteran organizers. Through his dedication and leadership, Moises has become a respected voice in the veteran community and an example of what it means to serve your country in and out of uniform.