Veterans RESPOND TO NEO-NAZI MARCH WITH “Community Rally Against Hate” in Harrisburg, PA

For Immediate Release: September 15, 2024

Contact: Clyde Gunter | 

Veterans RESPOND TO NEO-NAZI MARCH WITH “Community Rally Against Hate” in Harrisburg, PA

HARRISBURG, PA – Yesterday, veterans from Common Defense, the nation’s largest grassroots, veteran-led organization, hosted a peaceful rally outside the Pennsylvania Capitol in response to a Neo-Nazi march on August 24th in Harrisburg, where flags bearing swastikas were displayed. The “Community Rally Against Hate” united residents and community leaders in opposition to this display of hate.

The rally was co-sponsored by Common Defense, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, and the Interfaith Alliance of Pennsylvania. It featured speeches on the Capitol steps, followed by a march along North Third Street, passing Soldiers’ & Sailors’ Grove, and returning to the Capitol grounds.

Moises Montalvo, Lead Pennsylvania Organizer for Common Defense: “We are here to send a message not just to the neo-Nazis who marched but to anyone who harbors hate in their heart: this community will not tolerate your bigotry. Our strength lies in our diversity, commitment to justice, and love for our neighbors. And that love will always overpower hate.”

“As veterans, we took an oath to defend our nation. For us, that duty doesn’t end when we leave the military. We have a responsibility to continue defending democracy here at home. That means standing against the racism and bigotry that showed its face here in Harrisburg. It means confronting hate wherever it appears and refusing to let it take root in our communities.”

John Flood, Common Defense member, Navy veteran, and Pennsylvania resident: “As we go forward and we march today, remember that we are bringing healing to our community, but also that we are taking a stand for future generations so that our children will know that when hate reared its ugly head, each of us here today said no”.




Common Defense is a grassroots, veteran-led organization that was founded in 2016. We empower veterans to stand up for our communities against the rising tide of racism, hate, and violence, to organize against the entrenched powers that have rigged our economy, and to champion an equitable and representative democracy, where “liberty and justice” truly is for all. For too long, politicians from both political parties have attempted to use veterans as unwilling political props, and Common Defense serves as a home for veterans to organize and speak for themselves and support the candidates who truly share our values.




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