Qasim Rashid


Qasim is deeply aligned with our values, and nowhere is this more evident than on the issue of Gaza. While Rep. Foster has refused to call for a ceasefire to the horrific military onslaught that has killed more than 30,000 civilians, Qasim has called for an immediate ceasefire, saying that attacks on civilians are “inexcusable.” He knows what he’s talking about: in addition to being a human rights lawyer, Qasim joined me and a dozen more Common Defense members on a delegation to the Occupied Palestinian Territories in the West Bank in 2022.

Electing champions like Qasim is how we build the power necessary to End Forever Wars and stop the United States from handing out blank checks to extremist regimes like Netanyahu’s. Sending Qasim Rashid to Congress is one more vote for a permanent ceasefire, one more vote for peace, and one more vote for our values as progressive veterans.