Veterans Condemn Attack In PA, Call On Trump And RNC To Reject Political Violence In All Its Forms



Common Defense: Jacob Thomas |

Veterans For Responsible Leadership: Dan Boylan |

Veterans Condemn Attack In PA, Call On Trump And RNC To Reject Political Violence In All Its Forms

Washington D.C. — As Republicans gather in Milwaukee this week for their party’s National Convention, we, a coalition of veterans from different political parties and diverse backgrounds, strongly condemn the recent attempted assassination of President Trump and we mourn the innocent bystanders who were wounded and killed in Pennsylvania.

As veterans we served so that all Americans are safe and feel safe from violence. No one should have to fear being shot while attending an event or anywhere else. There is no place for political violence in our country. When politicians push violent rhetoric it makes us all unsafe.

What occurred is a grave assault on our democracy and is a direct result of years of violent rhetoric that too many elected leaders have condoned and inflamed. If our leaders do not rise to meet this moment by unequivocally denouncing this violence, de-escalating the rhetoric they use, and admonishing their supporters to do the same; it could instigate a dangerous spiral of increased political unrest and retaliatory violence. 

Our veteran members understand all too well the consequences of such civic collapse. We have patrolled war-torn streets in Kosovo and Libya and stood guard over polling locations in Iraq and Afghanistan while insurgents targeted voters. It may seem hyperbolic to compare these warzones with America, but we have seen too much to be complacent.

That is why our coalition of veterans has worked so hard to promote a commitment to peaceful protest and an end to violent rhetoric by political leaders. Veterans for Responsible Leadership and Common Defense came together across partisan divides for such a time as this. United by our shared service and the urgency of the current moment. Our coalition formed earlier this year to ask Democrats, Republicans, and Independents for a simple pledge: honor the 2024 election results and unequivocally reject the use of violence as a political tool. Unfortunately, Republicans rejected that pledge earlier this summer.  

We urge former President Trump to use this historic moment and his platform at the RNC to reconsider. He praised the Jan. 6th insurrectionists as ‘heroes” and warned of “bloodbaths” if he does not win. Since the shooting, President Biden and Speaker Johnson have issued clear and decisive statements against political violence. Former President Trump must join them in lowering the rhetorical temperature. 

Moments like these test the strength of our democracy, held together by rule of law, leadership and accountability.  We are compelled to act so our nation does not continue down this dark and violent path. We ask all Americans to join veterans in working to ensure a future of peace and stability for all.


Common Defense is a grassroots, veteran-led organization founded in 2016 to serve as a home for veterans to organize and speak for themselves and support the candidates who genuinely share our values.

Veterans For Responsible Leadership is a nonpartisan volunteer organization founded in 2017 and dedicated to supporting political candidates who conduct themselves with integrity, civility, and courage.


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