Veterans Back Stringham To Protect Arizonans' Right To Vote


CONTACT: Clyde Gunter |


MARICOPA COUNTY, AZ – Many of today’s politicians seem more concerned with shaping their voter base than with allowing voters to shape their political landscape. Extremist candidates continue to push lies and misinformation about voting and the integrity of our electoral process undermining our democracy.  In response, Common Defense, the nation’s largest grassroots veteran organization, proudly endorses Tim Stringham—a dedicated Army and Navy veteran and human rights lawyer—for Maricopa County Recorder.

“I am incredibly proud to have the support of Common Defense and even more proud of the work my fellow veterans are doing everyday to protect our great Republic from extremism.” – Tim Stringham

The County Recorder is responsible for voter registration and early voting, including all mail voting for almost 2.5 million registered voters, including military members who are deployed overseas or stationed outside of their home of residence. Given the onslaught of frivolous lawsuits and baseless conspiracy theories Tim's Republican challengers entertained during and after the 2020 election, this election is about truth and trust. Tim is a champion of both and Common Defense fully supports him to safeguard the integrity of Maricopa County’s elections while advocating for the right to vote of each and every Arizonan in his county.

"As a veteran who has mailed in ballots and a resident of Arizona, I know firsthand how vital it is to maintain the integrity of our elections. In an age of uncertainty and skepticism around elections, it has never been more important to have a principled leader like Tim protecting the voting rights of all Arizonans. His career of distinguished service in uniform and demonstrated intellect, integrity, and level-headed demeanor makes him the indisputable ideal candidate for a job that impacts the franchise of over 4 million Arizonans.” - Derek Duba, Army Veteran and Maricopa County Resident


Common Defense Civic Engagement is a grassroots, veteran-led organization that was founded in 2016. We empower veterans to stand up for our communities against the rising tide of racism, hate, and violence, to organize against the entrenched powers that have rigged our economy, and to champion an equitable and representative democracy, where “liberty and justice” truly is for all. For too long, politicians from both political parties have attempted to use veterans as unwilling political props, and Common Defense serves as a home for veterans to organize and speak for themselves and support the candidates who truly share our values.


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